On Tuesday, March 5, San Leandro residents voted on Measure J, a $174 million facilities improvement bond measure, to fund critical facility upgrades & improvements for SLUSD schools. Proposed projects include:
- Constructing rental housing units for teachers and staff so they can live in and be part of our community
- Renovating and modernizing classrooms and school facilities
- Constructing and equipping new classrooms and school facilities
- Making health and safety improvements, such as seismic reinforcements and removal of hazardous materials
- Replacing or repairing leaky roofs and plumbing systems
- Replacing aging wiring and electrical systems
- Ensuring accessibility to classrooms, walkways, restrooms, and playgrounds in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Constructing a new library, student center, and music building at San Leandro High School
- Constructing and equipping new transitional pre-kindergarten classrooms, learning spaces and playgrounds
- Upgrading classroom technology for career technical education programs in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
- Replacing or repairing deteriorating sewer and gas lines
- Replacing inefficient heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems
Conceptual Renderings of Major Projects

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Measure J is a general obligation (GO) bond measure on the March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election ballot. If approved by 55% of district votes cast, it will result in an extension of the current tax rate to authorize $174 million to make critical renovations and improve schools and classrooms throughout the San Leandro Unified School District. In addition, Measure J will allow the district to qualify for state matching funds. Measure J enables the district to attract, hire, and retain highly qualified teachers and staff. It will help address the housing shortage by building rental housing for teachers and staff so they can live in and be part of the community where they work.
California school districts commonly use GO bonds to fund improvement projects, such as constructing and renovating classrooms. Similar to a home loan, GO bonds are repaid over time. Funds to repay the bonds come from taxing all taxable property—residential, commercial, and industrial—located within the district.
The Bay Area housing crisis has become a barrier to our teachers and school staff living and working in San Leandro and nearby communities. Each year our students lose high quality teachers who move away from San Leandro to find positions in other school districts where housing is less expensive. The shortage of affordable housing in the East Bay also makes it difficult for the district to attract and hire new outstanding teachers and staff. Measure J addresses these problems by constructing affordable rental housing for teachers and staff.
It is projected that Measure J will not increase your tax rates. Measure J is designed to extend a previously authorized tax rate. Measure J is estimated to have an average annual tax rate of less than $37.28 per $100,000 assessed value while bonds are outstanding. The assessed value should not be confused with market value. The assessed value is the value placed on the property by Alameda County and is typically lower than market value.
Measure J ensures there will be full public disclosure of all expenditures. An independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee must review and report on all bond expenditures, and a third-party auditor must audit all bond expenditures. Measure J includes a specific list of projects on which bond funds may be spent. Laws prohibit funds from being used for administrators’ salaries, pensions, or benefits. Measure J bond funds must be spent on San Leandro Unified School District’s projects and cannot be taken by the state.
- Constructing rental housing units for teachers and staff so they can live in and be part of our community
- Renovating and modernizing classrooms and school facilities
- Constructing and equipping new classrooms and school facilities
- Making health and safety improvements, such as seismic reinforcements and removal of hazardous materials
- Replacing or repairing leaky roofs and plumbing systems
- Replacing aging wiring and electrical systems
- Ensuring accessibility to classrooms, walkways, restrooms, and playgrounds in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Constructing a new library, student center, and music building at San Leandro High School
- Constructing and equipping new transitional pre-kindergarten classrooms, learning spaces and playgrounds
- Upgrading classroom technology for career technical education programs in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
- Replacing or repairing deteriorating sewer and gas lines
- Replacing inefficient heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems
All registered voters in California will receive a vote-by-mail ballot. If you need to register to vote, you can register online at Once you complete your ballot, sign your ballot envelope, and simply drop your ballot in the mail—postage is prepaid—by March 5, 2024. If you need additional assistance or would like to drop off your ballot in person at a vote center or ballot drop box, please visit for more information.
Proposed School Project Lists

Measure J at Jefferson Elementary:
- Construct and equip new transitional kindergarten classrooms, learning spaces, and play areas
- Improve outdoor areas, including playgrounds, outdoor learning and meeting areas, and landscaping
- Renovate, repair, replace, construct, and/or install new turf playing fields
- Enhance communication/security with intercom/bell system replacements
- Roof replacement and ongoing infrastructure maintenance
- Update technology for compatibility with industry advancements

Measure J at Roosevelt Elementary:
- Construct and equip new transitional kindergarten classrooms, learning spaces, and play areas
- Improve outdoor areas, including playgrounds, outdoor learning and meeting areas, and landscaping
- Enhance communication/security with intercom/bell system replacements
- Roof replacement and ongoing infrastructure maintenance
- Update technology for compatibility with industry advancements

Measure J at McKinley Elementary:
- Improve outdoor areas, including playgrounds, outdoor learning and meeting areas, and landscaping
- Enhance communication/security with intercom/bell system replacements
- Roof replacement and ongoing infrastructure maintenance
- Update technology for compatibility with industry advancements

Measure J at Washington Elementary:
- Improve outdoor areas, including playgrounds, outdoor learning and meeting areas, and landscaping
- Renovate, repair, replace, construct, and/or install new turf playing fields
- Enhance communication/security with intercom/bell system replacements
- Roof replacement and ongoing infrastructure maintenance
- Update technology for compatibility with industry advancements

Measure J at Garfield Elementary:
- Construct and equip new transitional kindergarten classrooms, learning spaces, and play areas
- Improve outdoor areas, including playgrounds, outdoor learning and meeting areas, and landscaping
- Renovate, repair, replace, construct, and/or install new turf playing fields
- Enhance communication/security with intercom/bell system replacements
- Roof replacement and ongoing infrastructure maintenance
- Update technology for compatibility with industry advancements

Measure J at Halkin Elementary:
- Construct and equip new transitional kindergarten classrooms, learning spaces, and play areas
- Improve outdoor areas, including playgrounds, outdoor learning and meeting areas, and landscaping
- Renovate, repair, replace, construct, and/or install new turf playing fields
- Enhance communication/security with intercom/bell system replacements
- Roof replacement and ongoing infrastructure maintenance
- Update technology for compatibility with industry advancements

Measure J at Madison Elementary:
- Construct and equip new transitional kindergarten classrooms, learning spaces, and play areas
- Improve outdoor areas, including playgrounds, outdoor learning and meeting areas, and landscaping
- Renovate, repair, replace, construct, and/or install new turf playing fields
- Enhance communication/security with intercom/bell system replacements
- Roof replacement and ongoing infrastructure maintenance
- Update technology for compatibility with industry advancements

Measure J at Monroe Elementary:
- Improve outdoor areas, including playgrounds, outdoor learning and meeting areas, and landscaping
- Renovate, repair, replace, construct, and/or install new turf playing fields
- Enhance communication/security with intercom/bell system replacements
- Roof replacement and ongoing infrastructure maintenance
- Update technology for compatibility with industry advancements

Measure J at Bancroft Middle School:
- Enhance communication/security with intercom/bell system replacements
- Roof replacement and ongoing infrastructure maintenance
- Update technology for compatibility with industry advancements

Measure J at John Muir Middle School:
- Renovate outdoor athletic facilities with turf and track replacement
- Enhance communication/security with intercom/bell system replacements
- Roof replacement and ongoing infrastructure maintenance
- Update technology for compatibility with industry advancements

Measure J at San Leandro High School:
- New library, student center, classrooms, and music building
- Reconfigure and reconstruct San Leandro High School entrance and administrative offices to improve campus safety and security
- Renovate and modernize classrooms and school facilities, including flooring, windows, doors, lighting, and paint
- Renovate outdoor athletic facilities with turf and track replacement
- Enhance communication/security with intercom/bell system replacements
- Roof replacement and ongoing infrastructure maintenance
- Update technology for compatibility with industry advancements
Measure J Districtwide:
- Design, acquire, and construct housing for teachers and staff, including all related amenities and facilities
Clear accountability measures, including a Citizens Oversight Committee and annual independent audits, ensure funds are spent in accordance with the ballot measure. All money stays in San Leandro and benefits San Leandro children. No money can be used for school administrator salaries. There is no increase to current estimated tax rates for San Leandro property owners