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San Leandro, CA 94577
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SSC Agendas

SSC Agenda
Budget/Presupuesto para el año escolar 2020-21Plan for Student Achievement 2021-22/ Plan único para el logro estudiantil 2021-22

Washington Elementary SchoolSchool Site Council (SSC)Junta del Consejo escolar 
Please join the principal and SSC members to discuss topics of importance related to School Funding and Washington’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Por favor acompañen a la directora y a los miembros del consejo escolar (SSC) para hablar sobre temas de importancia relacionados con los fondos de la escuela y el Plan único para el logro estudiantil de Washington
Thursday / jueves October/octubre 21, 20214:30 – 5:30 PMZoom Link/enlaceMeeting ID: 852 0382 9244Passcode: 735717

Washington Elementary School

School Site Council

June 14, 2021 at  4:30PM

SSC Members

Parents: Justin McJilton & Fleur McJilton, Christina Chavez, Tyson Nichols, Parker Martineau and Amparo Gutierrez

Teachers:Wendy Ponder, Leah Martin, Grace Durden

Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator


Washington Elementary School

School Site Council

May 20, 2021 at  4:30PM

SSC Members

Parents: Justin McJilton & Fleur McJilton, Christina Chavez, Tyson Nichols, Parker Martineau and Amparo Gutierrez

 Teachers:Wendy Ponder, Leah Martin, Grace Durden

Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Approve April minutes
  • Review and approve 21-22 Budget (Quorum met)
  • Review and approve draft 21-22 School Site Plan
  • Set date for final review and signatures of entire School Site plan
  • Adjourn 
  • Next Meeting: June 14, 2021: Sign Document

Washington Elementary School

School Site Council

Washington Elementary School

School Site Council

April 29, 2021 at  4:30PM

SSC Members

Parents: Justin McJilton & Fleur McJilton, Christina Chavez, Tyson Nichols, Parker Martineau andAmparo Gutierrez

 Teachers:Wendy Ponder, Leah Martin, Grace Durden

Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator


  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Approve March minutes
  • Review English Learner Parent Survey results
  • Create draft of 21-22 Budget
  • Create draft of 21-22 School Site Plan

Next Meetings: May 20th at 4:30 PM

March 18, 2021 at  4:30PM

SSC Members

Parents: Justin McJilton & Fleur McJilton, Christina Chavez, Tyson Nichols, Parker Martineau andAmparo Gutierrez

 Teachers:Wendy Ponder, Leah Martin, Grace Durden

Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator


  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Approve February 11th minutes
  • Data Review: How do we look at data to inform the 21-22 budget? 
  • Budget Update: Review of pre-pandemic budget (19-20 school year) and start to identify programs that we want to resume. 
  • Next year site plan: updates on the new District plan and how it directly impacts the school site plan. 

Washington Elementary School

School Site Council

February 11, 2021 at  4:30PM

SSC Members

Parents: Justin McJilton & Fleur McJilton, Christina Chavez, Tyson Nichols, Parker Martineau andAmparo Gutierrez

 Teachers:Wendy Ponder, Leah Martin, Grace Durden

Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator


  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Approve December 14th minutes
  • LCAP
  • Data Review
  • Budget Update
  • Next year site plan

December 14, 2020  4:30PM

SSC Members

Parents: Vanessa Litman, Cristina Frias,  Parker Martineau, Tyson Nichols, Karen Torres, Christina Chavez

Teachers:Joan Bonsey, Rocio Ramirez, Grace Durden

Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator

Guests: We expect new candidates for SSC to attend. 

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Review Bylaws and make changes if necessary
  • Vote and welcome new SSC Members
  • Celebrate!

Next Meetings:

December 17th at 4 PM: District Training

January 21st at 4 PM: District Training

February 11th at 4:30 PM: Washington School Site Council Meeting (please note that this is the 2nd Tuesday of the month due to the President’s week off the following week.)

November 30, 2020

Parents: Vanessa Litman, Cristina Frias,  Parker Martineau, Tyson Nichols, Karen Torres, Christina Chavez

Teachers:Joan Bonsey, Rocio Ramirez, Grace Durden

Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator


  • Review the overall data. 
  • Make any necessary changes to the plan. 
  • Approve the final version of the plan. 
  • Review Bylaws

November 19, 2020

Parents: Vanessa Litman, Cristina Frias,  Parker Martineau, Tyson Nichols, Karen Torres, Christina Chavez

Teachers:Joan Bonsey, Rocio Ramirez, Grace Durden

Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Review the School Plan for Student Achievement: School Plan Presentation
  3. Review the Budget overview
  4. Make any final changes
  5. Vote on the plan and budget (postponed to November 30th)
  6. Signatures (postponed to November 30th)


October 22, 2020  4PM

SSC Members

Parents: Vanessa Litman, Cristina Frias,  Parker Martineau, Tyson Nichols, Karen Torres, Christina Chavez

Teachers:Joan Bonsey, Rocio Ramirez, Grace Durden

Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator


Agenda Items

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Items submitted and approved to be paid by District Pandemic budget:
    1. $6,000 in school supplies for students and teachers.
    2. $17,000 in library books in Spanish to go towards reaching our goal of having a library that holds 50% English and 50% Spanish. (Prior to the purchase it was 80/20). 
    3. $900 in social justice library books requested by teachers. 
    4. Increase of para educator support by 3 hours.
    5. $100,000 worth of instruments were purchased for entire district.
  3. Review of the money we have not allocated:

Current Budget

  1. Suggestions received by the community:
    1. Outdoor seating: Share photos and pricing
    2. Tricycles for kindergarten
    3. Art supplies
    4. Paw print store awards
    5. Playground equipment and cart (suggested by Ms. Gomez’s 4th graders)
    6. Ukulele 
    7. Plastic folding tables
  2. Budget proposals: 

Next SSC meeting: November 19, 2020

Meeting times:  4:30 pm 

September 24th, 4PM

SSC Members

Parents: Vanessa Litman, Cristina Frias,  Parker Martineau, Tyson Nichols, Karen Torres, Christina Chavez

Teachers:Joan Bonsey, Rocio Ramirez

Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator


Agenda Items

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Recap of officers carried over from 19/20 school year (year 2): 
    1. President: Christina Chavez
    2. Vice President: Tyson Nichols
    3. Secretary: Vanessa Litman 
    4. Parliamentarian: Parker Martineau
    5. ELAC representative: Karen Torres
  3. Pandemic Budget Evaluation: The items highlighted in yellow must be adjusted due to the pandemic. Some items that we normally spend money on are not an option during online learning. We will need to spend on alternate one-time items for this school year with the intent to return to regular spending practices as soon as normalcy is restored.
  4. Supplemental Concentration is frozen. 
SPSA Goal2020-2021 Pandemic Budget
Title 1SDSupConc
1.10aIntervention/enrichmentcombine library, intervention, enrichment (212+82=294 hours of after school hourly)$4,146.00$10,620.00
1.4PBL field trip seed moneyincludes outdoor ed deposit$3,000.00$2,000.00
1.41.12collab/pbis/cost subs$10,890.00
1.9Classroom supplies$6,000.00
1.11classified para ed$14,803.00
3.2communication/officeplus postage 260$2,860.00
library books$5,000.00
ASPsupplement LCAP ASP$7,000.00
Total Budget:$25,693.00$16,006.00$24,620.00
Total Allocation:$25,693.00$18,860.00$24,620.00$69,173.00
  1. District pandemic funding has also relieved site budget funding
    1. Classroom supplies
    2. Office supplies
    3. Library books
  2. Budget considerations:
    1. Items that will be used now and in the future that we otherwise would not be able to afford.
    2. Teacher hourly to refine systems.
    3. Teacher hourly for a few after school enrichment options (this would be a reduction in dollar amount due to zoom). 
  3. Process to get input:
    1. Teachers and staff have suggested the following: 
      1. School shirts (normally PTO budget). This includes shirts that will be sold and  the money will return to the account. $3,081.82 for 580 shirts. This includes all students, staff, and shirts requested for sale. 
      2. Hourly totalling: $3,825 
      3. Tricycles for kindergarten (not sure this would be eligible due to money must be used for current students)
      4. Part 2 of Circle Up
    2. This board suggests the following: art supplies, musical instruments, new paw print store awards
    3. Parent Newsletter request for ideas: 
  4. Budget Items to vote on for today:
    1. T-shirt money$3,081.82: Tyson motions, Christina seconds. All in favor.
    2. Teacher hourly changes to $3,825: Christina motions, Tyson seconds (with note that additional ideas are welcome
Washington Elementary