Bancroft Middle School

Home of the Broncos


835 E. 14th Street, Suite 200
San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone: 510-667-3500
Fax: 510-667-6234

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Measure J Facts for Families Living in the Bancroft Middle School Area

School Fact Sheets

On Tuesday, March 5, San Leandro residents voted on Measure J, a $174 million facilities improvement bond measure, to fund critical facility upgrades & improvements for SLUSD schools.

Measure J at Bancroft Middle School:

  • Enhance communication/security with intercom/bell system replacements
  • Roof replacement and ongoing infrastructure maintenance 
  • Update technology for compatibility with industry advancements

Measure J at San Leandro High School:

  • New library, student center, classrooms, and music building
  • Reconfigure and reconstruct San Leandro High School entrance and administrative offices to improve campus safety and security
  • Renovate and modernize classrooms and school facilities, including flooring, windows, doors, lighting, and paint
  • Renovate outdoor athletic facilities with turf and track replacement
  • Enhance communication/security with intercom/bell system replacements
  • Roof replacement and ongoing infrastructure maintenance 
  • Update technology for compatibility with industry advancements

Measure J Districtwide:

  • Design, acquire, and construct housing for teachers and staff, including all related amenities and facilities

Clear accountability measures, including a Citizens Oversight Committee and annual independent audits, ensure funds are spent in accordance with the ballot measure. All money stays in San Leandro and benefits San Leandro children. No money can be used for school administrator salaries. There is no increase to current estimated tax rates for San Leandro property owners.