John Muir

Middle School

Author: kmoss


Family Learning Series in January 2022

Responsible Decision Making
Wednesday, January 5 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm

African-American Families
Tuesday, January 18 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm

Special Education Session
Wednesday, January 19 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm


SLUSD Vaccination Clinics Every Wednesday

Location: San Leandro Adult School, 1448 Williams St. San Leandro (Portable A) Wednesdays: Until January 26! Hours: 2 to 7 pm Vaccine Types: J&J 25, Pfizer (12+) 50, Pfizer (5-11) 150, Moderna 30


Spotlight on Excellence

Family & Student Support Services program coordinator Consuelo Zuluaga was recognized for her exceptional student and family support by the Alameda County Office of Education’s Region 4 Expanded Learning Department!

Consuelo works tirelessly to connect our families in need with whatever resources they need in whatever way she can, and she has done this with little fanfare for many years in SLUSD. Please join us in congratulating Consuelo on this much deserved, long overdue countywide recognition!

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Student/Parent/Legal Guardian Handbook

Find all the information you need including policies related to hate violence, bullying, harassment, discrimination, suicide prevention, and more!

John Muir Middle