For new and former SLUSD students Enroll Online using a smartphone, a tablet or a computer – Click here to begin your online registration

Please have the following documents available when you start your electronic enrollment application. During the application process you will be required to upload, scan, or take a photo of these documents.
Student Information:
- Birth Certificate, Passport, county recorder statement, or official baptismal certificate.
- Report Card/Transcript from previous school attended (does not apply to new TK or Kindergarten students)
- Current IEP (if applicable)
- Current 504 plan (if applicable)
- Custody/Divorce court documents (if applicable)
- Court/Restraining Order (if applicable)
- Foster Youth Parent Agreement (if applicable)
Proof of Residence includes:
- One (1) original: Property Tax Bill, Mortgage Verification, Deed of Trust, Close of Escrow, Rental Agreement, or Lease
- Two (2) current bills: phone, cable TV, PG&E, EBMUD, garbage, bank, statement, medical, or government correspondence (dated and posted within 30 days)
- Parent/Legal Guardian Identification (driver’s license or passport)
- Residency Verification Contract. For families who moved or are in a transitioning grade.
- Residency Verification Contract
- Residence Verification Contract (Spanish)
- Residence Verification Contract (Chinese)
***Shared Residency Contract must be picked up in person*** During this time you can request a copy by email from
Health History Documentation:
- Immunization Records for the following immunization: Polio, DTP, Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Varicella (Chicken Pox), and Hepatitis B
- Your child will NOT be able to start school until you have provided documentation of ALL required immunizations.
- Physical Exam required for entering 1st grade (valid exams up to 18 months prior to entry)
- Dental Examination Record (1st Year in public school examination required for all students)
- Authorization to Administer Prescribed Medication
Important Note: Until we have verified your application, your student is not guaranteed a spot at the assigned school.