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Author: communications

What's Happening

Press Release: San Leandro Unified’s Celine Liu Awar…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 28, 2024 San Leandro Unified’s Celine Liu Awarded  SLUSD Management Employee of the Year SAN LEANDRO, CA – San Leandro Unified School District (SLUSD) is thrilled to announce Celine Liu, Director of Teaching, Learn

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What's Happening

Urgent Notice: Ban on Imitation Weapons in SLUSD for…

Imitation weapons are strictly banned in SLUSD to ensure the safety and security of our school community. This includes Orbeez guns, water guns, Nerf guns, and any items that look like weapons. Students with such items at school will be suspended and con

What's Happening

May 29! Family Landing Pad: Friends & Family Event

It’s a Celebration! Parents, Caregivers, Students, Family and Friends of San Leandro Unified School District are invited to the annual culmination of the San Leandro Family Landing Pad.The celebration will feature something for everyone with free food, r

What's Happening

Press Release: Lincoln High School’s Silvia Zambrano…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 21, 2024 Lincoln High School’s Silvia Zambrano-Dugger Named SLUSD Classified Employee of the Year SAN LEANDRO, CA – San Leandro Unified proudly announces the nomination of Silvia Zambrano-Dugger from Lincoln High

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What's Happening

SLUSD Needs YOU! Join the Citizens’ BOND Oversight C…

The SLUSD Citizens’ BOND Oversight Committee (CBOC) oversees expenditures to ensure bond revenues are used as voters intended and communicates its findings and progress to the public. Responsibilities: Public Communication: Share accurate update

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What's Happening

Press Release: SLUSD Appreciates Community Support f…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   CONTACT: Keziah Moss, Director of Community & Employee Engagement, (510) 667-6202,   (Yes on Measure J Campaign Steering Committee members) Measure J Improvement Bond Certification San Leandro U

What's Happening

Press Release: John Muir Middle School’s Arcy Devera…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 6, 2024 John Muir Middle School’s Arcy Devera Named SLUSD Teacher of the Year SAN LEANDRO, CA – San Leandro Unified proudly announces the nomination of Arcy Devera from John Muir Middle School to represent SLUSD as

What's Happening

Wrapping Up Strong: May/June SLUSD Update!


May/June, 2024

Halkin Elementary’s inspiration for end-of-year testing Dear SLUSD Community, As the 2023-2024 school year dra

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What's Happening

SLUSD Family Learning Series TONIGHT 4/10 at 5 pm! T…

SLUSD Family Learning Series Wednesday, April 10 ⋅ 5:00 – 6:00 pm Zoom Meeting Link   Topic : Get Moving Join us as we use physical movement to relieve stress, increase our sense of wellness, and share time with others. In this session, Blaze Consu

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