It is strongly encouraged that children take necessary medication outside of school hours. If, however, a physician requires prescription or nonprescription medication during school hours, medication forms can be picked up in the school office. This form must be completed by both the doctor and the parent before the school can assist the child with his/her medication. Medication must be brought to the school office in the original prescription container. School law allows designated school personnel to assist students who must take medication, prescription or over the counter during the school hours. In accordance with the California Education Code 49423 the school must have the following:
A written statement from the child’s physician that includes:
the name of the medication
the dosage to be given
the time of day
duration of the medication order
possible side effects
(Authorization forms are available in the school office.)
The supply of medication should be brought to the school by the parent or guardian in a container labeled by the pharmacist. Label must include student’s name, doctor’s name, name and dosage of medication and expiration date. Any changes in dosage or time of administration must be verified, in writing, by the physician.
250 Dutton Ave, San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone: 510-618-4360 | Fax: 510-346-6084