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Falcon Newsletter February 2, 2024


Dear Muir Community,

Last week the John Muir Cheer team performed at the Celebration of Schools Board meeting. We are so proud of our Falcons! In addition to cheer, many students from Leadership spoke at this event and shared with our School Board, Superintendent, and community, how special John Muir is to us all! 

This week is going to full of fun for our 7th graders. 7th graders need this love! They are in the middle of figuring out who they are as they leave behind their elementary selves and move towards that high schooler. It is the perfect group of students to take three days to talk about their emotions and their future. We hope this three day event will be inspirational and become an annual tradition at John Muir. Please see more details below -especially 7th grade families. This will take place rain or shine! So, be sure to pack rain gear! 

Take care, 
Elisa Alvarez, Dylan Charrin & Mycel Jacob

Cheer takes a mindful moment before taking the stage! 
School News
8th Grade Parent/Guardian Meetings:
Due to popular demand, we have added a third and final meeting, which will be a 
Zoom meeting on Monday February 5th at 11:30am. The attendance of at least one parent/guardian of an 8th grade student is required at one of these meetings, as we review the requirements and information on all 8th grade Promotion events including, the dance, field trip, and promotion ceremony.

Contracts are out! All 8th graders received their contracts during science classes.  Here is a link to the contract and the slides that were presented at the 8th grade meeting.  You may return the contracts to the science teacher.  In several weeks, we will be distributing the order forms for gowns, tickets, and flowers, so be sure to stay updated on Parent Square! 

Plus, it is already time to plan for high school, wow! Our high school counselors will be on campus in March to discuss details around 9th grade scheduling. We will have more information soon, including exact dates and times!

7th Grade Community Building and College Readiness:

On February 6th, 7th, and 8th, our entire 7th grade will be participating in a 3-day event of community building and college readiness.  These events include:

  • Challenge Day in the school gym, with organizers, counselors, teachers, and admin participating in community building activities such as team games, restorative circles, and social emotional learning activities.  

  • College Field Trip to CSU East Bay, with a guided tour around campus.

  • Social Emotional and Positive Behavior Lessons with teachers back at school. These lessons will include a Suicide Prevention Workshop presented by Crisis Support of Alameda County. 

Students will be on a rotating schedule for the activities.  Please refer to the permission slip information for the date of your student's field trip. Permission slips were given out to 7th graders through their Science Classes.  Here are copies in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

Around The Campus/District

School Smarts Academy
Hey Families, thanks for coming this Monday to our first session.  We discussed Parent/caregiver involvement.  The next session will be on February 5th, 2024 in A3, and the next topic is: Preparing for a Lifetime of Learning.  If you would like more information, contact our parent facilitators, Liv Humphrey and Jonathan Almendarez.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Friday Announcements: 

Please click on this link to access our Friday Announcements.


2/5: 8th Grade Parent/Guardian Meeting, 11:30-12:30pm, Zoom

Elisa Alvarez, Principal

Mycel Jacob, V.P.
510-618-4400 ext 3777

Dylan Charrin, V.P.
510-618-4400 ext. 3776

Claudia Costa, Administrative Assistant
510-618-4400 ext. 3760

Toni Pantonial, Office Clerk
510-618-4400 ext. 3761

Bigda Valdez, Attendance Clerk
510-618-4400 ext. 3785

Liv Humphrey, Parent Facilitator
510-618-4400 ext. 3783

Jonathan Almendarez, Parent Facilitator
510-618-4400 ext, 3703


School Breakfast/Lunch Menus:

February Breakfast Menu 

February Lunch Menu 

Vegetarian Lunch:




Chrome Book Request

Hey Falcon parents, 

If you haven't yet requested a Chrome book for your student, please click 
HERE. You'll be taken to a form to request the Chrome book.